About the Author
Sheikh Wesam Charkawi is the translator of the famous Hanafi text Nur al-Idah and the famous theological text Risalah an-Nafi'ah. He commenced studies in Damascus, Syria, and moved to Islah University, Lebanon, to undertake a Master of Shari'ah. For over twenty years, he has debated, argued, and written countless pieces on doubt and the existence of God. He is currently finalising a PhD in Social Psychology at Western Sydney University, Australia. This text has been over 20 years in the making and is essential for any person regardless of their level.
What if you could dismantle atheist arguments with ease?
The Cosmic Architect is a book unlike any other. Its focus is on teaching students persuasive arguments and techniques for defending the natural belief in God and refuting the claims of atheists.
Detailed, yet easy to read
Hits every key area with structure
Well-thought-out exercises throughout
An uncaused entity explains why there is something rather than nothing. Without God, there are no answers, only confusion. Rationality, reason and objective evidence have always been front and centre in every human decision and project. However, popular science and atheists have sought to do away with God by narrowing their outlook. The extraordinary lengths some have trekked — to reject God are beyond extreme. This book changes that.
This hardcover book comprises 492 pages. Every section contains a "How would you respond?" exercise with example responses. A summary of each argument and lesson precedes every chapter. There are 21 chapters in the book. The book covers all of the primary and necessary aspects to learn about God's existence, knowing all the key arguments, detailed chapters about the Prophet Muhammad, the existence of evil and why the Quran is the eternal word of God.
An atheist argues that since you believe in God and do not see Him, why not believe in a spaghetti monster? Isn’t that the same?
Example Responses
(1) No, they aren’t the same. A spaghetti Monster requires one to be pre-conditioned to believe. This is because it is not a common belief that crosses cultures or nations without prior conditioning.
(2) A typical belief that crosses cultures and continents and does not require pre-conditioning is that of an All-Powerful Entity that created the cosmos.
Diagrams on every page
Short video with every chapter
argument before every chapter
"Learn the key arguments in this space."
"Responses that silence any atheist."
"Increase your conviction in faith never to doubt again."
If someone said to you, “Prove God exists.” What is your response?
Example Response
(1) The question is not about proving God’s existence; instead, the question is, "Why have you disbelieved in God?” This is because there is a natural inclination towards believing in an all-Powerful Being. Veering away from this is unnatural. Hence, why have you disbelieved in the existence of God.
If someone said to you, “The mind is a product of evolution”, what is your response?
Example Response
(1) The complexity and qualities of human consciousness, including self-awareness and our capacity for abstract thought, exceed what can be explained by blind, ignorant material processes (evolution). (2) If the mind were a product of blind material processes, then, .......

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